The AECVP and SCVP are pleased to hold the 2024 Myocarditis Nomenclature Meeting. The meeting will be held in Baltimore, Maryland in the Armstrong Medical Education Building on the campus of Johns Hopkins Hospital, Saturday, March 23rd, 2024 and streamed live via Zoom. This event coincides with the USCAP convention to be held in Baltimore. The meeting will be an introduction and discussion of new and provisional histopathological myocarditis criteria for biopsies and large specimens.
By the end of the event, we hope to have achieved consensus on a new set of criteria and nomenclature to improve our diagnosis and the treatment of myocarditis.
Meeting Agenda
Doors Open 11 AM
Welcome: (11:30-11:45AM) – Welcome, where we were with current criteria, and why we are undertaking this (Katarzyna Michaud)
Seminar 1: (11:45-12:15 PM) Myocarditis in 3D (Daniela Cihakova)
Seminar 2: (12:15-12:45PM) Draft proposal for diagnosing myocarditis on autopsy/surgical specimens (Joseph Maleszewski)
Break w/ light fare (12:45-1:00PM)
Seminar 3: (1:00-1:45PM) Draft proposal for diagnosing myocarditis on biopsy specimens (Cristina Basso & Marc Halushka)
Scholarship presentations on the new criteria (1:45-2:05PM) Melanie Bois and Sarah Parsons & Hans DeBoer
Discussion of both new criteria: (2:05PM – 3:00PM) – Criteria for biopsy/autopsy myocarditis with PollEverywhere audience participation (led by Melanie Bois & Monica de Gaspari)
Closing remarks (3:00-3:30 PM Barbara Sampson)
Optional light reception / Return to USCAP for the Maude Abbott lecture
SCVP and AECVP thank our sponsors for making this a free event.
Directions to the Armstrong Building from the Convention Center area
There are several ways to get to the Armstrong Medical Education Building at 1600 McElderry St. Complementary Coach bus service will be provided to/from the Baltimore Convention Center (BCC) building. An American Limousine Motor Coach (seating for 29) will make two morning and two afternoon deliveries. The shuttle will leave from the BCC at the corners of Pratt and Howard (261 W Pratt) at 10:30AM and 11:15AM. It will return to the BCC from the Armstrong Building at 3:35PM and 4:30PM. Please be on time and consider taking the first shuttle in the morning.
If you choose to take a different form of transportation, here are other options. An easy, but more expensive option is to take an Uber or taxi directly from your hotel. A second option is to take the subway line from Charles Center to Johns Hopkins Hospital. Charles Center is two blocks away from the convention center. It is two stops between the stations. This costs $2 for a one-way trip and runs every 15 minutes during the mid-morning and early evening. A third option is to use the Charm City Circulator. This is a free bus service with several caveats. You will need to switch from the Orange Route to the Green Route at President St. or Fleet St. The buses can be tracked through their website/app, but they are not very consistent, so if you want to try this option, leave early. There is also visitor parking across the street from the Armstrong Building on McElderry.