Welcome to the AECVP and SCVP joint 2024 Myocarditis Nomenclature Meeting in Baltimore, Maryland. This meeting will discuss new and provisional myocarditis nomenclature for biopsies and large cardiac specimens.
Short Course 79: Cardiovascular Pathology for the Surgical Pathologist
Faculty: Alison Krywanczyk MD and Rene Rodriguez MD
- Location: Convention Center R08
- Time: 8:00 AM – 9:30 AM CDT
Stowell-Orbison Cardiovascular Posters
- Location: Exhibition Hall B
- Time: 9:30-Noon
Cardiovascular Platform Presentations
- Location: CC 225
- Time: 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM CDT
Tuesday, March 22nd
Cardiovascular Posters
- Location: Exhibition Hall B
- Time: 9:30-Noon
Wednesday, March 15th
Cardiovascular Evening Session
Ultrastructural Cardiac Pathology: The Wide (yet so very small) World of Cardiac Electron Microscopy
Moderator: Gregory Fishbein, MD, University of California, Los Angeles
- Location: CC 226
- Time: 7-9PM CDT
SCVP Companion Society Meeting
Consensus statements, expert opinions and position papers in cardiovascular medicine: what’s new for cardiovascular pathology?
Moderators: Venugopal Menon, MD, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland OH; Carolyn Glass MD, PhD, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC
10:30 AM- 12:30 PM CDT
Location: Convention Center Rm 206
- Talk 1 – Katarzyna Michaud, MD Lausanne University Hospital, Lausanne, Switzerland Universal definition of myocardial infarction: the pathologist’s perspective
- Talk 2 – Joseph Maleszewski, MD Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN Universal definition and classification of heart failure: what do pathologists need to know
- Talk 3 – Gregory Fishbein, MD UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA Revisiting the many facets of right-sided heart failure
- Talk 4 – Chieh-Yu Lin, MD, PhD Washington University, St. Louis, MO Updates in myocarditis: what is on the horizon?
- Talk 5 – E. Rene Rodriguez, MD Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH Pericarditis: Reassessing Old Challenges and Embracing New Paradigms
SCVP General Business Meeting
Our yearly general business meeting open to all members.
- Location: CC 206
- 12:30-1:15 PM CDT
SCVP Banquet
Celebrating John Veinot as our Distinguished Award Recipient
- Location: Brennan’s Restaurant / 417 Royal Street
- Time: 6:15 PM Cocktails / 7:15 PM Dinner
Young Investigator Abstracts, Mary Ann Sens SCVP Open Mic(roscope) and Distinguished Achievement Awardee Talk
Support our young investigators, share an interesting case, and hear from our Distinguished Achievement Awardee, Dr. John Veinot.
- Tulane Medical School Campus (see map below)
Room SOM-1001 (1st floor auditorium)
1430 Tulane Avenue - 2 – 5 PM CST
- 2:00 – 2:05 PM Welcome
- 2:05 – 3:00 PM PDT Young Investigator Talks
- 3:00 – 3:45 PM Open Mic(roscope) Night
- 3:45 – 4:00 PM Break
- 4:00 – 5:00 PM John Veinot Distinguished Achievement Award Lecture